10 Habits That Can Worsen Acne
10 Skincare Habits that can Worsen Acne!
1. Trying a new acne treatment every week or so.
This approach can irritate your skin, which can cause breakouts.
Instead - Give acne treatment time to work. You want to use the product for 6-8 weeks. It takes time to see some improvement & trust us, we are here to help you!
2. Applying acne products only to your blemishes.
It makes sense to treat what you see, but this approach fails to prevent new breakouts & it doesn't treat the underlying condition (remember it all starts from within). Look at your skin as if it is a mirror to what is going on inside your body.
Instead - Follow the advice from your skin therapist by using the products as recommended. There are some spot treatments you can use that will help in the short term, but for sustainable results, we like to help you understand why you are breaking out in certain areas and what foods, lifestyle factors, ingredients etc could be influencing and driving that.
3. Using makeup, skincare products & hair care products that can cause acne.
The key rules are simple here.
Stay away from comedogenic ingredients (ingredients that cause lumpy bumps on the skin such as lanolin and mineral oil).
Use good ingredients but in good measure. Even though ingredients such as retinol, niacinamide and exfoliants are amazing for skin, overuse will strip it and cause it to produce more oil because it thinks it is dry, which in turn will cause the skin to break out more.
Be mindful of your makeup. If you are spending time and money on your skin, it makes sense to also invest in good make-up that is not undoing all of your good work. Mineral makeup – always.
4. Sharing makeup, makeup brushes or applicators.
Even if you are using good skincare & makeup products sharing makeup can lead to breakouts. The acne-causing bacteria, oil and dead skin cells on other people's makeup brushes can be transferred to your skin which can lead to breakouts.
5. Sleeping in your makeup
While you sleep is when your skin re-energises and rests too. Wearing makeup to bed will not only result in breakouts but you are missing out on the optimal time to get good ingredients on your skin that will help to clear it. A deep cleanse at night will get rid of the dirt, pollution and debris from the day – follow by using a clearing serum and moisturiser and your skin gets time to repair.
Blog Post Credit to our Advanced Skin Therapist - Hayley