Do you think you have sensitive skin? The good news is that chances are, you don’t. Hear us out.
We meet so many clients that believe they have sensitive skin and have been treating their skin as such.
Their skin is red, sometimes flaky, often uncomfortable and always feels like it needs a thicker moisturiser.
But, truly sensitive skin is very rare.
Having what is commonly known as ‘sensitive skin’ is not normal nor a condition that has to be lived with. ‘Sensitive skin’ is actually a symptom of a skin that is in a reactive state with impaired barrier function, and though it can take time it is possible to revise with a comprehensive DMK treatment and a home prescriptive regime.
External and internal triggers to watch out for
Researchers believe that reactive skin conditions such as rosacea and eczema can be hereditary. However, they can also be caused by environmental factors such as pollution - and it is not just smog. It could be chemicals encountered in the workplace or at home, fumes from a new carpet, new furniture, beauty products, cleaning products etc. Even preservatives in processed foods and chemicals in hygiene products may act as triggers.
Then there are internal triggers and this is a big one in our modern, fast paced world. Stress elevates the body’s cortisol levels (aka the stress hormone) and over a prolonged period of time suppresses the immune system, causing inflammatory conditions to occur. This is not just mental stress, there is also physical stress. Fatigue, systemic dehydration or malnutrition, or exhaustion or overexertion from extended travel, rigorous activity or athletic training, even recovery from illness.
High levels of inflammatory proteins in the tissues slow their regenerative processes, increase the tissues’ rigidity and restrict its healing potential. What this means is the skin’s barrier defence systems (the lymphatic drainage and circulatory systems, immune responses, Langerhans and keratinocyte cells) are breaking down and consequently reactive skin conditions form.
Bringing the skin back to homeostasis
DMK goes beyond calming the skin condition and focuses on bringing the skin’s function back to homeostasis so it can cease being reactive. Skin is not as fragile or sensitive as we are led to believe. It is a strong organ designed to protect us and it has the amazing ability to regenerate itself. DMK is determined to restore people’s confidence by taking back control of their skin by revising it to be active rather than reactive. Take a look at our blog post about DMK to learn more about this pioneering skincare brand.
We work with reactive skin every day and there are key recommendations that we make immediately that “put out the fire” in redness and reactivity and begin to heal.
The first step is always a skin consultation with one of our experienced and knowledgeable skin mentors. We look forward to caring for you and your skin.
Kelley & the team at SELF_